
A list of notable changes made to this website.


I changed the primary color palette to be peach orange and dark turquoise, which looks really nice and is quite unique compared to the original green and gray! I also switched the font to be serif instead of sans-serif, since I think it looks nicer. The website should also be slightly better on mobile, but I'm still learning!


I rewrote the website from the ground up using Svelte. This was after I ran into some issues building the website earlier in the week due to outdated and broken dependencies. Overall, things should still appear the same, even if the framework beneath it is different. :)


I switched the website to have a dark gray background and white text instead of white background and black text. My eyes were tired of being blinded, and dark mode looks a lot better in my opinion! This was done after working on my blog post on Bevy's 4th birthday.


After a full year, I get an idea for writing a blog post on custom global allocators in Rust. In that time, I gained a lot of experience in writing websites with Nuxt. I take this opportunity to completely rewrite the website using it and the Content module.


I publish my final blog post using Jekyll about Shared-State Functions in Python. It was a fun post about using Python function arguments incorrectly. What follows this is a 1 year silence where I do not post anything.


Rewrote the website using Jekyll, Github Page's preferred website generator. I used a custom theme named Moonwalk. I really liked how it looked! My first blog post stated that this was the 4th version of my blog to be published.


Rewrote the website using Hugo CMS, under the domain bd103.thedev.id. This domain was shortly changed to bd103.github.io due to issues using the CNAME file. All code for my previous website was moved to BD103/Old-Website and BD103/Old-Website-2.